Nachhaltigkeit in der Landespolitik
Polnisches Umweltministerium (Polish environment ministry)- dort: Seite zur Webseite zur Aarhus-Konvention, (auch deutlich umfangreicher auf Polnisch); zum Inhalt der Aarhus-Konvention unsere Seite im Lexikon.
Bericht des Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) im Auftrag der EU-Kommission: "Requirements and Framework for Environment and Transport Telematics. Country Report: POLAND", November 1998 (WORD, 910 KB); Auszug: Air, Water and Soil QualitySince 1989, air pollution has declined, however, Poland still emits far greater amounts of the main pollutant substances than the countries of the OECD. A serious situation exists in the large industrial areas where the levels of emitted air pollutants are most concentrated. One of the worst affected regions is the Katowice voivodship, where allowable concentrations of major atmospheric pollutants have been exceeded for many years and severe ecological problems have resulted. The "Black Triangle" region at the border of Poland, the Czech Republic, and former East Germany has also seen chronic air pollution, with up to 3 million tons of SO2, and approximately 1 million tons of NOx emitted each year. The region is home to the largest basin of brown coal in Europe, and up until recently, approximately 200 million tons were produced per year. Surface water occupies 2.7 percent of the territory of the country. Lakes and rivers with dammed reservoirs dominate among these surface waters. The use of this water for economic purposes and the use of rivers, streams and lakes as sewage receptors for different branches of the economy serve as the two greatest influences. Over the last few decades, water intake has been systematically increasing, at around 15 km³ annually by the end of the 1970s. Over 83 percent of the water used for the national economy originates from surface waters, 14 percent comes from underground sources, and approximately 2 percent comes from water discharge in mines. Groundwater resources are located mostly in the quaternary water-bearing levels, which occupy large areas of Poland. The main and very difficult hazard to control for groundwater quality is non-point pollution connected to agricultural activities (fertilisers, plant protection chemicals, liquid manure, silage juices etc.), as well as atmospheric pollutants (sulphur and nitrogen oxides, heavy metals). Villages and city settlements without sewage treatment facilities also contribute to a deterioration in quality. High quality groundwater is needed and used on a very large scale to supply inhabitants, and that is why it is critical to monitor and preserve its status.
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Polen beim Auswärtigen Amt (deutsch)
Landesportal Polen
- Parlament von Polen
Staatspräsident von Polen
Polnische Regierung (Premierminister und Ministerrat)
Association of Polish Cities
Union of Rural Communes of the Republic Poland
Übernahme des gemeinsamen Besitzstandes im Bereich Umwelt durch Polen(deutsch)
Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Polen
Polen-Seite des Europäischen Umweltinformations- und Umweltbeobachtungsnetzes (EIONET) der EU
Polen im Profil (deutsch)
Ostseerat / BALTIC 21
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission) HELCOM, die Exekutive der Helsinki-Konvention"
BALLERINA - Baltic Sea Region On-Line Environmental Information Resources for Internet Access
CCB, Coalition Clean Baltic: Netzwerk von Umwelt-NGOs von Ostsee-Anrainerstaaten (Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Deutschland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Russland und Schweden)
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