Aachener Stiftung Kathy Beys

Kroatien (Archiv)

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Development of National Biosafety Framework (UNEP-GEF Project)
National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP): 1. Drafting the Strategy as a ProcessThe Strategy has been drafted as a process, which should enable active role and assuming share of responsibility by all the partners in the society. The participation of all partners (individuals, national and local government and self-government, economy, science, education, etc.) should be ensured through the free flow of information, consideration for the needs of individuals, affirmation of the partnership principle and awareness-raising campaigns.Basic principles(1) Integration of environmental policy into the sectorial policies: If viewed narrowly, the Strategy is only a sectorial document. Process of its drafting and the selected methodology should enable integration of the environmental policy into all the fields and activities. (2) Partnership and shared responsibility: Setting up of objectives and their fulfilment is possible only within a partnership of all the actors – general population, interest groups, business community, national and local government/self-government, and international community. Each party should assume its share of responsibility.(3) Changes of behaviour in production and consumption: Efficient implementation of the environmental policy based on the sustainable development principles is not possible without the change of behaviour/attitudes in production and consumption. (4) Increase in number of instruments used for implementation of set activities, particularly the economic activities: All the available instruments should be used to assist in the environmental policy implementation, primarily those related to its integration into the another sectors. Traditional instruments based on administrative bans and the "polluter pays" principle are insufficient. It is expected that the instruments (incentives) based on a voluntary principle, have the key role in this process. 2. Ensuring Sustainable DevelopmentThe Strategy offers an option to propose setting up of organisational and economic grounds that should enable implementation of the sustainable development principles. The term “sustainable development” as used in this document refers to the most used definition according to which the sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy meet their own needs.” ...In the Strategy principle of sustainable development simultaneously refers to:Environmental requirements - (emission control) maintaining emissions within the nature carrying capacity limits; enable/permit only the projects that respect integrated protection of an ecosystem and individual species; use of renewable resources within the limits of their renewability and linking of non-renewable sources (e.g. fossil fuels) use rate with finding of alternative solutions.Sociological requirements – ensuring better social conditions for all the parts of the society, e.g. improvement in housing conditions, health care, education, employment ...Economic requirements – meeting the needs of the growing population demands permanent economic development. The income and expenses of private and public budgets must be balanced on a long-term basis.

UNECE (UN-Regionalkommission für Europa): Environmental performance review of Croatia As discussed and approved by the six session of the Committee on Environment Policy September 1999 for the Eighth session of the Committee on Environment Policy November 2002

Bericht des Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) : "Strategic Environmental Analysis of Croatia", März 2001 (PDF, 2,4 MB); Auszug: "4. ConclusionsIn summarizing the issues covered by this Strategic Environmental Analysis, it is apparent that many problems are connected to improper pollution control by industries and waste management in general. Pollution and waste are in various ways the principal contributors to the degradation of Croatia’s land, water, air, biodiversity, marine and coastal areas.The existing waste management system, characterized by numerous landfills operating without proper preventive (such as recycling/reusing) and protection measures and illegal dumpsites, fails in both technical and educational aspects.In the majority of cases, water pollution (including that of marine and fresh waters) is caused by lack of effluent pre-treatment, a problem that is particularly evident in marine and coastal areas, where existing sewage systems’ capacities are far from adequate.Air pollution is limited mostly to major urban centers (Rijeka, Zagreb, Sisak, Kutina, Split) and is caused by dirty technologies in various industries. The average age and technical state of motor vehicles is additional and significant contributor to air pollution problems.The overall state of Croatia’s biological diversity is satisfactory, and is rather a result of poor development in the past than of adequate care and management. However, there are rapidly growing pressures on biodiversity (poaching, illegal collecting, exploitation of minerals, timber, building, etc.) with no adequate enforcement response (rangers, inspections) or management for protected species/areas.War-related environmental threats are also numerous: the large areas infested with minefields are inaccessible to people and degrade natural and biological features.
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Kroatien ist ein Collaborating non-member country des Europäischen Umweltinformations- und Umweltbeobachtungsnetzes (EIONET, European Environment Information and Observation Network) der EU; Kroatien-Links bei EIONET

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